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Macro-economic policy
Supporting essential economic activity

Building Resilience and Recovery of MSMEs from the Second COVID-19 Lockdown

The virtual conference – organised by the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Uganda – will provide a platform to share challenges and views on the adequacy of interventions put in place to respond to the needs of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the current atmosphere. The discussions will be guided by a presentation on the key insights from a rapid assessment survey and other COVID-19 related research conducted by EPRC, and thereafter a panel discussion by experts.

The objectives of the e-conference are to:

  • Share information and deliberate on the effect of the pandemic on MSME operations, and vulnerable households, and their coping strategies.
  • Discuss the adequacy and sustainability of the existing stimulus package and livelihood initiatives. Also, discuss alternative strategies to finance MSMEs.
  • Evaluate the challenges and opportunities for female MSMEs in doing business in the current environment.
  • Recommend strategies and mechanisms that MSMEs may leverage to adapt to the ‘new normal’ while building resilience for future shocks.