Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) has now closed. The site is no longer being updated.
Promoting democratic governance

Colabora.Lat: Towards a New Model of Governance after Covid-19

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico

Project overview / objectives

The ‘Colabora.Lat: hacia un modelo de gobernanza post covid-19’ project focuses on 1) understanding the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on social relations, trust, and collective action, especially among women and vulnerable populations, 2) identifying innovations in social mobilizing, citizen participation, and campaigns that can be supported and scaled, and 3) an analysis of public policies in the region designed to protect vulnerable populations, with an emphasis on how these policies have incorporated innovative forms of public engagement and how they can be further strengthened through transparency, citizen participation, and other forms of good governance and collaboration. Visit the project’s website


Project Outputs


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